Introducing Conduit OSS

Open-source data integration refined

A code-first approach to building, testing, and deploying stream processing data applications for every developer.

Transform the way you connect, process, and utilize your data with unparalleled openness and flexibility..

Conduit OSS is more than a tool; it’s the open-source backbone for your data-driven aspirations.

Explore Conduit Platform

Why Conduit OSS?

Open Source Freedom

Experience the full transparency and adaptability of open source. With Conduit OSS under the Apache License, you have the power to customize core data integrations to fit your unique needs.

Community-Driven Innovation

Be part of a vibrant community. Collaborate, contribute, and grow with fellow developers and data engineers, driving forward the future of data integration.

Real-Time Data Streaming

It’s in the Conduit DNA to help you find your future state for real-time data streaming. Make decisions faster and more accurately by getting data/events at the pace of your application.

Seamless Scalability

Run Conduit in parallel to your existing infrastructure, including preexisting Kafka / Kafka Connect instances, without disruption.

Harness the Power of Conduit OSS

Broad Connectivity

Use your preexisting Kafka Connect connectors by leveraging the Kafka Connect wrapper.

Customizable Data Transformations

Tailor your data flow. With Conduit OSS, you can transform and enrich your data streams in real-time, ensuring they’re ready for analysis and action.

Developer-Centric Tools

Barrier of entry is significantly reduced. Developers no longer have to be Java or JDBC experts. build and configure connectors using languages they already know using the Conduit SDK.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Your data’s safety is paramount. Conduit OSS adheres to the highest standards of security, giving you peace of mind in your data integration processes.

Join the Conduit OSS Movement

For Innovators and Visionaries

Whether you're a startup, a tech giant, or somewhere in between, Conduit OSS is your partner in pioneering data solutions.

Community Support

Tailor your data flow. With Conduit OSS, you can transform and enrich your data streams in real-time, ensuring they’re ready for analysis and action.

Contribute and Collaborate

Barrier of entry is significantly reduced. Developers no longer have to be Java or JDBC experts. build and configure connectors using languages they already know using the Conduit SDK.

Get Started Today

Conduit. Where openness meets opportunity.

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